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London Ultherapy 3rd Generation Triple Layer Lifting 

Ultra sound Face Lift, London,  
Ultra sound Face Lift therapy










This procedure is your next best thing to an actual face lift. Though not possible to get the exact same benefits from a surgical face lift, this treatment gets as close as possible without a knife in sight. 

Ultrasound lift is FDA-cleared, non-invasive, ultrasound technology skin tightening procedure, achieved with the use of micro-focussed ultrasound. It works gently heating the underlying tissue, the device triggers the body’s natural production of collagen, without damaging the top layer of skin. It is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure which is inviting for those who are considering possible surgery in the future, but are not yet ready (either financially or mentally) to undergo an invasive, life-changing procedure. This is not the same as other non surgical treatments like pelleve or venus legacy.












Typical Questions Clients Have

1. What Makes the Ultra sound 3rd generation face lift, So Special?

Ultrasound lift is the only non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure that can specifically target and strengthen the deep foundation layer of tissue that doctors address in surgery. The ability to treat not just the skin, but its underlying support, from the inside out, helps to ensure both safe and satisfying results, with no downtime.

2. Does it Hurt?

There can be some discomfort while the energy is being delivered, but it is temporary and a signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated. Comfort thresholds vary from patient to patient, and practitioners will discuss with you your options for making the experience as pleasant as possible. Patients typically leave comfortable and excited about the benefits to come.

3. What Can I Expect Afterwards?

You are able to return to your normal activities right away and there are no special measures you need to take.

Your skin may appear a bit flushed immediately after the treatment, but any redness should disappear within a few hours. It is not uncommon to experience slight swelling or tingling/tenderness to the touch for a few days to weeks following the procedure, but these are mild and temporary in nature.

There is the possibility of other less common post-procedural effects, such as temporary small areas of bruising or numbness, which your practitioner will review with you.

4. Is it Safe?

Ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for over 50 years. Clinical trials have demonstrated the safety of this latest application.

5. What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

With just one treatment, the regenerative process is initiated. But the full effect will build gradually over the course of 8 to 12 weeks. Some patients may benefit from more than one treatment.

Visible effects include a lifting and toning of loose skin. This results in reduced skin laxity on the eyelid and a more open, youthful look to the eyes overall. Patients have also reported firmer, better-fitting skin in other areas of the face and neck too.

There is also an invisible result from the procedure with the creation of new collagen, which gives the skin its youthfulness.

6. Who is a Good Candidate?

A good candidate for Ultrasonic Lifting is someone with skin that has “relaxed” to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. A lowered brow line or sagging skin on the eyelids, for instance, is often the first sign of “maturing” skin.

While it does not duplicate the results of surgery, utherapy has proven to be an inviting alternative for those who are not ready for surgery.

Ultrasound lifts, tightens and tones loose skin to counteract the effects of both time and gravity. One of the first effects of gravity is that the brows descend and the eyes start to appear smaller. Ultrasound will lift the brow, which in turn reduces the excess skin on the lids, opens up the eyes and gives a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

This treatment really comes into its own for:
• Lifting and sharpening the jowl area and jaw line (say goodbye to that unwanted double chin!)
• Lifting the brow
• Reducing excess skin on upper eyelids
• Tightening loose skin around the stomach from childbirth or weight loss

Where this treatment really excels is that it’s a one-off treatment. That being said, our clients are that pleased with the results, people can’t wait to have another treatment to further improve on their excellent results.

Perhaps best of all there is also no downtime, so you can go back to work that very afternoon.

Ultrasound face lift focuses ultrasound energy into the fatty fibrous layer beneath the skin – the same layer a plastic surgeon would lift during a surgical face lift. This treatment is cutting-edge as practitioners have never been able to direct sound waves deep under the skin before.

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154b Battersea Park Road Road, Battersea London

10 Harley Street WIG9PF

SW11 4ND  tel: 07516793878

Company Number: 10316085

Registered Address: Kemp House, 160
City Road, London, United
Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

©2016 TOA Clinic

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