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London Cellulite and Skin Tightening

skin tightening
skin tightening

98% of women have cellulite


Shockwave works to reduce the appearance of cellulite by:


  •  Stimulating cellular metabolism and exchange of blood lipids

  •  Inducing the production of new collagen and elastin fibers

  •  Stimulating the blood and lymph circulation


In other words, your skin is smoother because there is more collagen and elastin, and increased circulation

Most people can have shockwave therapy. However, you cannot have shockwave therapy if :

  • you are pregnant

  • you are taking blood thinning/anticoagulant medications like warfarin

  • you have varicose veins in the area you want treated

  • you have gluteal implants

  • you have skin problems including eczema, tumours, viral infections in the area you want treated

This is a before and after picture of the left thigh and buttock following 8 sessions of radial shockwave with a 35mm deactor head, at 3.6 bar, 4000 shocks per session, 8 sessions in total, at 2 sessions per week. Results after 4 weeks:


How does shockwave reduce cellulite?

Many articles have described potential mechanisms for shockwave to reduce cellulite. Research has suggested pressure or acoustic waves are effective in disrupting the sclerotic fibrous tissue septae responsible for much of the uneven appearance of cellulite (Siems et al 2005).


However other effects have been postulated; Braun et al (2005) said the stimulation of blood and lymph circulation, increased membrane permeability, and the stimulation of the exchange of blood lipids. Angehrn et al (2007) said shockwave stimulated the metabolism of fat cells and increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Christ et al (2008) said reduced oxidative stress. Siems et al (2005) thought increased antioxidants (including ascorbic acid). Kuhn et al (2008) described induction of neocollagenogenesis and neoelastinogenesis.


Ferraro et al (2012) thought increased angiogenesis and apoptosis of fat cells triggered by inflammation, and activation of C nerve fibers in the skin and release of substance P according to Schlaudraff et al (2014).

Price List - Shockwave for Cellulite

  • Back legs, bum - £195 or £450 for 3

  • Back legs, bum, tummy -  £245 or  £650 for 3

  • Full legs - £175 or £475 for 3

  • Bum -  £75 or £200 for 3

  • Tummy -  £75 or £200 for 3

TOA 3 Advanced RF - We are very pleased to announced that in June 2017 we have manufactured a new machine called TOA 3 Advanced IPL which is trade marked and made by us. The machine has 3 handles and many functions. The Cellulite and Skin Tightening radio frequency is extremely powerful and has excellent results. We have worked to manufacture this machine with the latest technologies. The machine is CE certified and approved and has had excellent results for skin tightening and cellulite.

How it works

Radio frequency is transmitted through a large head to various parts of the body with a cooling head, which allows the energy to be distributed in a manner that has little or no discomfort to the patient. The technology allows the skin to receives heat at deep layers of the skin causing contraction of the collagen, therefore tightening the skin. At higher energy levels, the fat cells are disrupted under the skin,lessening the appearance of cellulite.

There is no down time and results can be seen immediately.

Prices are on the price list tab.

154b Battersea Park Road Road, Battersea London

10 Harley Street WIG9PF

SW11 4ND  tel: 07516793878

Company Number: 10316085

Registered Address: Kemp House, 160
City Road, London, United
Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

©2016 TOA Clinic

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