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Anti Wrinkle Injections

London Anti Wrinkle Injections


How Anti Wrinkle Injections Work

Anti Wrinkle is a muscle relaxing injection used by millions around the world to improve the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, décolletage, tighten the jawline/nefertiti lift and even reduce Hyperhydrosis(excessive sweating). Injections helps relax muscles that when contracted, create lines and wrinkles. Increasingly, anti wrinkle injections are being used by younger patients as a preventative wrinkle treatment.


Anti Wrinkle injections are one of the most affordable, fastest working, safe and effective non-surgical aging treatments available.

  • Several injections are administered into the muscles, reducing wrinkles. Treatment typically takes around 15 minutes.

  • No anaesthetic is necessary and discomfort is brief and minimal.

  • Your doctor will give you specific aftercare instructions.

  • We also recommend a post-treatment appointment to assess the results with a free top-up if necessary after 2 weeks.


Take effect after 3-5 days, however it may take 2 weeks for the maximum effect to come.

The effect lasts between 3 to 6 months (average 4 months). Patients who have had several injections often find the effect persists longer. Side effects are uncommon and minimal.

Why Choose Anti Wrinkle Injections

  • Affordable & fast working – virtually no downtime.

  • Effective wrinkle treatment without surgery.

  • Natural results 


Immediately after treatment for the first 4 Hours avoid the following;

  • Bending forward for long periods e.g cleaning

  • Laying flat, use an extra pillow if laying down

  • Avoid Exercise

Over the following period before review;

  • Avoid heat including swimming, sauna and steam rooms

  • Do not apply make-up or facial creams to the treated area for at least 8 hours

  • When washing please do not apply too much pressure or rub vigorously

  • Avoid facial treatments and massage for 2 week post treatment / review treatment

  • If you have bruising you can apply ice for 10 minutes per hour maximum, ensure that you do not apply this directly to the skin use a clean tissue or thin cloth around the ice before applying the ice

  • Report any other effects promptly

This treatment is an elective cosmetic procedure and hereby acknowledge the following:

The practice of medicine is not an exact science and different people can react differently to the same procedure.  You should understand that the effects of the treatment can last longer for some patients than others.

This procedure is a cosmetic procedure and so assessment of the results involves a great deal of subjectivity, therefore it is important to understand that while you will be advised as to the probable result, this should be in no way interpreted as a guarantee.

That whilst complications from the procedure are uncommon, they do sometimes occur.

Please report any pain or unusual rash, loss of circulation to the surrounding skin immediately. BTA administration can result in anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) which in itself is life threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, difficulty swallowing, swelling of the tongue, eyelids, lips, hoarseness of the voice, stomach pain, nausea or diarrhoea. If you have any of the above symptoms please report to your nearest Accident and Emergency Department or call 999 for an ambulance.

Your Practitioner can be reached 24 hours per day.

154b Battersea Park Road Road, Battersea London

10 Harley Street WIG9PF

SW11 4ND  tel: 07516793878

Company Number: 10316085

Registered Address: Kemp House, 160
City Road, London, United
Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

©2016 TOA Clinic

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